Axure responsive ecommerce template close-up

Axure responsive Ecommerce template4

This product is a responsive web Axure template for an Ecommerce website volume 4 that has three views:

  • Desktop view designed to width 1200px
  • Mobile screen is designed to width 320px
  • Tablet portrait view of width 768px

To view the different screens one can preview the Axure file then resize the browser window to preferred dimensions or view on a mobile phone and tablet.


What is this product for?

As every senior designer knows, the bigger the project you are working on the more you need a professional template library to work from. Given most big projects have a tight deadline and clients demand quality high fidelity designs in a short amount, this kit is created for creative designers who are wireframing and prototyping ecommerce/store content for desktop, tablet and mobile views specifically.

Who is this product for?

  • UX designers
  • Web designers
  • UX researchers
  • UX consultants/analysts
  • Lecturers
  • Senior/Head designers managing teams
  • Students

What is included?

The file contains
  • Home page
  • Category page
  • Product detail page
  • Cart
  • Contact pageSEE DEMO LINK
